
Get your family phone number

Familio puts a shared phone number on all your family's devices. Try it free today.

Get the app

One family, one phone number

Share a virtual phone number with your family. Just download the app, pick a phone number, and invite your family members to join.

Shared texts

Send and receive texts with your partner or other family members on virtual Cc.

Shared calls

Route calls to multiple family members at once, and make calls from any of your devices.

Shared contacts

Share contacts with your family and help each other keep an up-to-date list.

Shared photos

Store photos and videos from MMS messages and easily share them with your family.


All the features you need

Your family phone number lives inside Familio—a simple app with powerful features to help you stay organized and connected.

Calls & texts

Call forwarding

Wi-Fi calling

Local number


Unlimited family plans

Enjoy unlimited talk and text for your whole family on all your smartphones and tablets. The first 14 days are on us!
Monthly plan
per month
Try it free
Get two months for free
Yearly plan
per year
Try it free

Call and text US and Canada phone numbers only. Read our fair use policy.